sábado, 11 de septiembre de 2010

Forga Castle: Mansion Mollendo illusions

Arequipa. Mollendo - Forga Castle. It can be seen from a great distance, and has become a symbol of Mollendo. There is the idea of transforming it into a big casino when passing ownership of the Provincial Council.

Built in 1908, Castle Mollendo (Arequipa), known in his prime as the "white house" went from being private property Forga family in the early twentieth century by the state.

It is about 1km installed tents or awnings of bathers, sometimes in several rows, presenting a colorful and cheerful aspect. Lifeguards are also restaurants and jobs for those willing to eat on the beach.

Between Second and Third beach is a large cave with a rock caused by erosion. And on the rock stands the Castle Forge, an airy building, built in the last century but with a style reminiscent of the castles of medieval Europe.

Forga The castle was built by José Miguel Forga Salinger, Arequipa employer dedicated to textiles and man of strong artistic inclinations.

After an extensive tour of Europe and impressed by the architectural variety that exists in the Old Continent, Forga returned with the idea of building a huge house with medieval-style architectural features, Arabic and Venetian.

In Mollendo, there is much to restore, monumental buildings that could look as it is now the old railroad station. The castle is a building Forga icon for all mollendinos. It is a mansion that crowns the rock that separates the second from the third beach and that needs to be restored urgently.

The castle is Forga Mollendo heritage and history and is in absolute abandonment, as the people themselves mollendino spent the last 20 years until, at last, has been anchor investment again.

Forga The castle is not in good health, despite the fact that the Provincial Council of Islay has been making numerous efforts to do a restore.

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