jueves, 2 de septiembre de 2010

The beautiful legend of the Condor

The Andean Condor is one of the largest birds in the world, the majestic symbol of American Andes and is regarded as the very spirit of the Andes. Its huge wings give it a unique ability to glide makes it appear as a quiet guardian in the sky, above the high peaks montañosos.Los Andean peoples did not hesitate to give it religious significance, represent in their paintings and ceramics or make expression and representation of the most important pre-Hispanic civilization of the continent, the Andean civilization.

He attributes a great longevity and in some cases, there are some who argue that the Andean condor never dies, because when you feel old and sick to her nest again reborn. The Andean condor is an iconic animal, a symbolic link with our cultural past and, unfortunately, today has become a challenge for our future conservation.

Legend has it there once, in a village in the Peruvian highlands, a man who loved his daughter used hija.La graze sheep, llamas and other animals.

Every day he came to visit a beautiful young man. She wore a black suit, white shirt and hat. After a while, he and the girl became good friends. They talked and had fun, while grazing in the field. One day the young man said, "throw me into the air and I will do as much with you." So the game started. But when he lifted her, she could fly.

In fact, the young condor was a disguised man. He carried the girl into the ravine and put it in a high nest. For two months, offer all kinds of meat: raw, roasted and cooked. A year passed and the girl became his wife, giving then a child.

But the poor crying day and night because he missed his father very much. He asked every day: "How can my father live alone? Who will care? Who is doing that graze my sheep and my llamas? Condor then told: "Give me back my house, I see my father!" Begged and begged, but no attention condor.

One day a hummingbird came to the ravine in search of nectar, which she loved. The woman, shocked to see another bird, he said: "Hummingbird, hummingbird, with your tiny wings, there's nobody like you. I can not get out of this nest. The condor brought me to this cliff a year ago and now I am his wife and this is my son. "

The hummingbird told the wife: "Listen, do not cry, I'll help. Tonight I will go to the house of your father and tell him everything. He will come to fetch you. " The woman, very grateful, told the hummingbird, "Listen hummingbird, you know where is my home. Here I have a garden full of beautiful flowers. I promise you, if you help me escape, all the flowers will be yours. "

That same night the hummingbird flew into the town and said to his father: "I've seen your daughter. It's in a nest in the ravine, near here. It is the woman of the condor, but it is very sad. Want to go home, but it will be very difficult to lower it. We need to bring an old donkey. " The humming bird explained his plan to the old, while the two went looking for the donkey.

Later the father, accompanied by the hummingbird came to the ravine. They left the old donkey and skinny at the bottom of the ravine, as if dead. After a while and saw the condor. While he ate, the Hummingbird and the old man got into the niche and the woman fell. Then they took two toads (a small and one large) and were left there in the nest. The father and daughter returned to their people happy. The humming went to where the condor and said, "Hey, condor, do not know what has happened in your house!" "What happened?" Replied the condor. The hummingbird said, "Your
wife and son have become toads! "

The condor flew into his house and when he saw that neither the woman nor her son were in the nest, but only two toads. Despondent, the condor back to his life of hunting and the hummingbird is still in the house of the woman drinking the nectar of the flowers.

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