martes, 5 de octubre de 2010

Huncaya Beauty, a land of extraordinary landscapes and friendly people

Huancaya, is located in the heart of Nor Yauyos-Car, famous for its turquoise lakes linked by waterfalls and flanked by chasms where you can still see ancient platforms.

Derives from the Quechua word Huancaya Wancaya, which means place of pedredones. Huancaya also states that means: HUANCA = stone, large stone or piece of hill, and AYA = dead, which would mean stone dead, killed by the stone or stone simply disintegrated. The truth is that this village is formed on the remains of disintegrated rock which can be seen in every corner of the old houses and their buildings we see today.

Travel to Huancayo, is passing on the road watching the scenery is something that makes a destination in itself. The mountain range offers its accidents, yellowish in the dry season, very green in the rainy months. The guns are unique flaqueados terracing. Gaps in full abundance of birds, wetlands, forests, vast plains, herds of camels are perhaps the most magnetic elements in the reserve. Do not forget that it is a conservation area for its landscape value. On the way to Huancaya, we passed the Piquecocha beautiful lake, where we see pairs of geese, herons and grebes. Depending on the time of day, the sun is changing the color of this large body of water, sometimes in tones of steel, others of intense turquoise.

Huancaya is probably the most visited by travelers to Lima, coming here in increasing numbers. This is the town where he may have as much food and lodging services, basic always, always sufficient.

A 28 km Huancaya is Vilca the annex, a town that is great for its spectacular scenery. Beside the road you will find campsites. Reaching Vilca you will see the waterfall and the bridge centenary Pucacha colonial. A 20 minute walk from the town center is Papacocha Lake surrounded by eucalyptus forests at 3800 meters. Impressive sight.

What to do?

You can horseback ride along the river, and to discover new routes for mountain bikes, practicing 'rafting' and all activities that can inspire us in the midst of this great nature. You can visit the waterfalls of Carhuayno, where you can go fishing.

On the other hand Huancaya has a Museum where we can see pottery, gourds, brooches, pins and tissues as well as mummies and funerary bundles of the ancient inhabitants of Huancaya of spectacular conservation. All these archaeological evidence were found in the cemetery Quimllo, located 1.5 km from the town center. The ancient people had a close relationship with the Paracas culture.

How to get there?

Huancaya district is located in the Nor Yauyos Cochas and is 290 km (Via central road) or 320 km (Via cañete) southeast of Lima (8 hours in a private vehicle)). The reservation covers parts of the provinces of Yauyos (Lima Region) and Jauja (Junín Region).

There are two routes from Lima

On the main road, the travel distance is 290 km to Huancayo, of which 218 km are asphalted road and 72 km of dirt road. Oroya is passed and then continue by road to Huancayo to Pachacallo where paved stretch ends, then continue along a dirt road to cars and then Vilca and threaded a pass to almost 4500 meters.

In the American South, the travel distance is 320 km to Huancayo, 187 km are paved and 133 are affirmed. The first section is Lima - Cañete. Then take the turning Lunahuana. Passed by Imperial and other annexes Lunahuana. The second section is a gravel road that goes through towns like Pacaran, Zuñiga, Catahuasi, Magdalena, Llapay, and Vitis, and finally to Huancaya

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